Our Work
We work with different formats which constantly change as the needs of the scene or individuals change.
A collaboration with the choreographer Jasna Layes Vinovrški with a premiere planned in Zagreb and Berlin.A collaboration with Public in Private and Tala PLE(j)S.

Performance's emergence
A collective performance done by the NDA CRO that was done through a series of residencies and the input of all the members.
Premiere Zagreb 16.11.2022, Skopje 18.11.2022.
Zagreb 2.06.& 2.10.2023. , Split 3.06.2023.
Rijeka 10.09.2023. , Bjelovar 11.09.2023.
Berlin 26.08.2023. , Ljubljana 28.11.2023.
Domino residencies
Residencies that involve the needs of the local scene in each city we go to.we propose different body practice in a form of a workshop or a pop-up class that is of most profit to the local scene.We also propose a Talk -talk roullete:different formats of exghange of ideas with the local comminity.

Nomadska plesna akademija Hrvatska u gostima unutar Karlovac Dance Festivala!!!Ove godine, ljetna edicija četrnaestog izdanja Karlovac Dance Festivala KDF014 donosi suradnju i partnerstvo s Nomadskom plesnom akademijom Hrvatska kroz njihove programe Domino rezidencija i Modularna Škola. Festival će se održati u sklopu karlovačkog Zvjezdanog ljeta, pružajući priliku za uživanje u suvremenom plesu i inovativnim umjetničkim pristupima.Ljetna edicija KDF014 ugostit će od 27-28.06.2024. renomirane umjetnice Nomadske plesne akademije Hrvatska: Aleksandru Janevu Imfeld, Larisu Lipovac Navojec, Koraljku Begović, Melitu Spahić Bezjak i Irmu Unušić.Dio festivalskog programa bit će rad u nastajanju pod nazivom "Tugospjev", mlade umjetnice Sare Trbare. Ovaj rad razvija se u okviru Modularne škole Nomadske plesne akademije Hrvatska, pružajući uvid u nove perspektive i umjetničke istraživačke procese.DOMINO REZIDENCIJA – PERFORMANCE SITUATION ROOM, dio je EU LLB projekta, a sastoji se od susreta umjetnika koji kroz boravak u Karlovcu (sjedištu jedne od partnerskih organizacija) analiziraju lokalnu situaciju, potiču diskusiju, zajedničko planiranje i razvoj novih projekata i programskih linija unutar Nomadske plesne akademije Hrvatska. Domino rezidencija nije samo umjetnički projekt, već i platforma za razmjenu ideja, suradnju s lokalnim zajednicama te zagovaranje za razvoj suvremenog plesa u Hrvatskoj.Jedan od formata koje program koristi je Talk Talk Roulette koji pruža prostor participantima da izraze svoja mišljenja i stavove kroz različite medije
Nomad dance academy Croatia as a guest
at the Karlovac Dance Festival !!! The summer edition of the fourteenth Karlovac Dance Festival KDF014 brings collaboration and partnership with the Nomad Dance Academy Croatia through their Domino Residency and Modular School programs. The festival will take place as part of Karlovac's Zvjezdano ljeto, offering an opportunity to enjoy contemporary dance and innovative artistic approaches. The summer edition of KDF014 from 27-28.06.2024. will host renowned artists from the Nomad Dance Academy Croatia: Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld, Larisa Lipovac Navojec, Koraljka Begović, Melita Spahić Bezjak, and Irma Unušić. Part of the festival program will feature a work in progress titled "Tugospjev" by young artist Sara Trbara. This work is being developed within the Modular School of the Nomad Dance Academy Croatia, providing insight into new perspectives and artistic research processes. DOMINO RESIDENCY – PERFORMANCE SITUATION ROOM, part of the EU LLB project, consists of gatherings of artists who, during their stay in Karlovac (the base of one of the partner organizations), analyze the local situation, encourage discussion, joint planning, and the development of new projects and program lines within the Nomad Dance Academy Croatia. The Domino Residency is not only an artistic project but also a platform for the exchange of ideas, collaboration with local communities, and advocacy for the development of contemporary dance in Croatia. One of the formats used by the program is Talk Talk Roulette, which provides participants with a space to express their opinions and views through various media.
Happened in Split/Rijeka/
and a
final presentation of the artistic exchange happened in Zagreb-TALA PLE(j)S in the frame of MODULAR SCHOOL/
performance situation room

Talk - talk roullete
The project called Talk Talk Roullete led by Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld is a performance-discussion format close to a social game and structured improvisation. It opens up space for working on a certain topic, which depending on the participants can change drastically and open up other directions that are needed at that moment. The topic is reached through a moderated brainstorm of the whole group, through which, with the role of each participant, it is detected which topics are common and which are necessary to discuss at that moment. Through the analysis in silence - only through the non-verbal communication of all participants, more areas are opened in which later everyone finds themselves and deepens their field of interest through various games. This is a work methodology that connects the group and through a combination of physical tasks and verbal discussions in different environments leads to a constantly stimulated body and thought process through different conditions in space.
Modular School 2023/2024
Opening space for a modular educative/residency program where authors can explore their ideas and have a collective exchange where they learn from one another and different artist from the local and the region.